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Pokemon TCG Charizard ex Special Collection

Pokemon TCG Charizard ex Special Collection


Brand: Visit the Pokémon Store


  • The Pokémon TCG: Charizard ex Special Collection includes: 1 etched foil promo card featuring Charizard ex, 2 foil cards featuring Charmander and Charmeleon, 5 Pokémon TCG booster packs, 1 oversize lenticular card and code card for Pokémon TCG Live

model number: ‎100-10417 : C : EN : 45 :


Charizard ex Brings the Darkness! Charizard ex burns up the opposition’s lead with the cunning firepower of a Darkness-type Pokémon! Evolve it from Charmander and Charmeleon, then use its strong Ability and attack to make a roaring comeback. This fiery set also comes with 5 Pokémon TCG booster packs and an oversize lenticular card featuring the Flame Pokémon itself—move the card back and forth to see Charizard ex go on the attack!

EAN: 0196214109179

Package Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.0 x 1.2 inches

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